ÖBB Sofortmaßnahme Eichgraben
Civil engineering
The flat hierarchy, short decision paths, and decentralised structure of our branches are major success factors of SWIETELSKY. In our regional branches, we are very close to our customers. We combine the security of a large construction firm with the flexibility of a local contractor. We can therefore guarantee fast, competent decisions on site and also create valuable jobs in your region. You can count on that! We look forward to hearing from you.
Die Revolution der PV-Parkplatzüberdachung Die Filiale SWIETELSKY Spezialtiefbau in Wels präsentiert mit Stolz den sunchargeport – unsere neueste grüne Innovation. In Kooperation mit M-Tron haben wir ein PV-Carport entwickelt, das nicht nur als Unterstand dient, sondern zugleich saubere Energie liefert. Dank grabenloser Gründung und ästhetischem Design verbindet es Effizienz mit Ästhetik. Entdecken Sie mit uns die umweltfreundliche und platzsparende Zukunft des Parkens.
Blasting operations
Cable cars, lifts, avalanche barriers and galleries
Deep foundations, excavation pits and slope stabilisation
Suspension bridges
Galleries, caverns, shafts
Alpine construction
Galleries, caverns, shafts
Civil engineering
Civil engineering
Civil engineering
Road and bridge construction
Tunnel construction
Alpine construction
Bulldozer driver
Construction teams
Construction worker
Construction engineer
Construction foreman
Construction technician
Construction trades specialists
Cost accountant
Truck driver
Project manager
Special civil engineering specialist
Technical assistant
Assistant foreman
Civil engineering construction worker
Civil engineering specialist